Ready, go!

Recently I've made the decision to open up a new website. In a few weeks I will start with building httP:// I'm also planning to host my blog there.

An update about me:

Things are going really well. I now work at as web editor for EO (an evangelical national broadcast company in The Netherlands) I love it there! It's a freelance position but for now I've got plenty of work. I'm busy with work, but I love it. Life is pretty simple at the moment. But I'm loving every minute of it.

This week I will be going to London. In London I will be volunteering for Passion London (May 14th &15th). Passion is a christian student ministry. This is my 4th Passion conference and my first time as a volunteer. I'm excited! I'm praying that God will move almighty in everyone's heart during the conference (and beyond!)

The next update will be when I finished my new blog!

All ready for summer

This is going to be a little bit of a random post while I'm long overdue with posting! I should make it my daily routine, but I can't seem to find that routine.
I will give it a go at some point.
It has been really nice weather this past week. Warm & sunny. Technical it isn't really summer weather yet but 21 celcius is enough for us all to go to the beach. That's warm weather in this country. I can go to the beach whenever I want to go while I live 5 minutes from it. Only I didn't have a nice bathing suit. The ones I have are either too much skin or not a lot of skin. So I needed to find something in between. I hate to go shopping for bathing suits while I'm a little bit blessed up front and most bathingsuits are made for girls with almost nothing up front. I really don't want my "things" to hang out or be seen on the beach. So, after shopping for an entire week I found my bathing suit! YAY! It's a tankini. It's by my fave brand Esprit and I love it!

Not me! Monday

Not me! Monday is back again!!

Not me! Monday is originally from MckMama, the founder of this website, posts every Monday her 'Not me! Monday' blog post.

While driving during my driving lessons my driving instructor pointed out to me that there was this weird fly on my sweater. I grabbed the fly and I certainly did not threw it into the window of the car, while thinking that my car window was open. Definitely, did not happen to me.

I'm aunt 16 times (number 17 is coming in october) and when I was babysitting last week I really wanted to see my favorite tv-show. It was not me who put the kids to bed way early so I could see that tv-show. I'm not an aunt like that!