Not me! Monday

It's time for Not me! Monday again!!

I didn't buy a toy guitar for my nephews birthday and decided that I liked it better, nope not me.

It wasn't me who walked out of a store with three Gibson toy guitars, because friends wanted to have them too. No not kids but adults! Definitely not me who bought those three guitars.

It wasn't me who dropped the bag with the three guitars while walking through the door of the store. What caused quite some commotion and attention. Definitely not me.

It wasn't me who went grocery shopping and decided to buy complicated ingredients for a complicated meal. Then decided at home that I didn't want to cook so I grabbed one of the meals my fridge holds and warmed that one up...Nope definitely not me.

Not me! Mondays is originally from For more Not me! Mondays check out My Charming kids blog

1 comment:

Danyele Easterhaus said...

love that you went to the store and then did the quick meal. i do that all the for food is exhausting! jk!